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New Members FAQ

Welcome new PHOTOGs!
Bill Oswald
Welcome to PHOTOG! We're an active group of photographers who like to get together to talk photography, learn about photography and explore events and places together for photo outings.

Join us at one of our monthly educational programs, a social outing like Breakfast at Tally's or a local photo outing. We're looking forward to welcoming you to our group, sharing what we've learned about photography and learning from you!

Don't be shy, say Hi to the group here and feel free to ask questions about PHOTOG and any of our events!
Hi, my name is Bob Dixon and I am a new member. Hope to meet and visit with you at Tally's for breakfast.
Jeanie Eaton
Hi Bob, welcome to the group. Looking forward to meeting you at Tallys. 


Jeanie Eaton
web admin
Specializes in Equestrian Photography
JJ Burnam
Do you still do Tally's breakfast meetings?
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 PHOTOG INC is a 501(c)(3) non profit organization. est 2008

The PHOTOG Logo and organization name are trademarks/copyright of Photographers of Tulsa Oklahoma Group INC./PHOTOG INC. a 501c3 non-profit organization. All Rights Reserved. No part of this website or any of its content and images may be reproduced, copied, modified or used in any form without the prior written consent of the Board of Directors